
Coranavirus Update

Coranavirus Update

As we all continue to be impacted by the Coronavirus, we are working diligently to keep our employees healthy and safe while maintaining business continuity for you, our valued customer.

Our facilities are currently operating with no notable supply shortages or logistic disruptions. Products are being manufactured with inventory levels sufficient to accommodate our current level of business. We are a supplier in essential critical infrastructure and an essential business supporting US Government rated contracts.

As the situation continues to evolve, The Holloway Houston team has contingency measures in place to address and minimize possible disruptions.

These include:

  • Daily operational and safety monitoring by our Risk Management team,
  • Expanded hygiene and sanitation actions to protect employee health and continuity of site operations,
  • Restrictions on non-essential work travel, inter-facility movements, and group meetings.

As a precautionary measure to limit the spread of the virus in our communities, we are limiting access to our facilities. Effective immediately, non-essential personnel will not be permitted to enter company facilities except for pick-ups and deliveries to the Will Call department. Any necessary meeting or communication should be handled electronically or by phone until further notice.

While it is difficult to predict any additional government mandates or local ordinances, we will communicate in a timely manner any new developments or changes to our current state of business.

Troy D. Gaspard
Holloway Houston, Inc.