
Holloway Houston, Inc. Quality Commitment

Holloway Houston, Inc., is dedicated to providing top-tier industrial lifting solutions that fulfill our customers' needs. Since October 31, 2005, we have had a comprehensive Quality Management System certified to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. This certification covers the design, manufacture, rental, repair, and service of lifting equipment, including wire rope, synthetic, nylon, and chain slings. It also covers proof load testing, nondestructive examination, calibration, and fabrication services.   

Holloway Houston, Inc., is the first sling shop in the United States to achieve API Specification Q1 and Quality Plus certifications. We also hold DNV 2.7-1 and DNV 2.7-3 type approval certifications. 

While we previously held API certification, we have transitioned to DNV certification to better align with our current operations and focus on quality assurance.


Holloway Quality Policy

Holloway DNV 2.7-1 and DNV 2.7-3 Type Approval Certification

AWRF Member Accreditation Audit