Chain Slings
Diverse range of chain slings: single, double, and multi-leg options.
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Holloway Testing and Repair division offers a full range of inspections, repairs, and testing on a wide variety of equipment. We also service most types of lifting equipment including chain, slings, plate clamps, chain falls, come-alongs, load cells, blocks, and more.Learn More
Rentals division offers a wide range of high-quality and durable equipment for rent, including spreader bars, wire rope slings, shackles, and more. Our rentals are an innovative and cost-effective alternative to purchasing equipment, providing access to top-quality rigging gear at a fraction of the cost.Shop Now
Learn more about how our services can help you enhance the safety and reliability of your lifting equipment
Lifting Equipment, pulleys and hoists, Eyebolts, Sheaves, Polyester Straps Round & Accessories for Handling
The many styles of wire rope slings and synthetic slings in our product range are highlighted in our product section.
Location - 500 Fayetteville St Raleigh, North Carolina 27601
Selecting the right chain sling is essential for safe and effective heavy lifting. One key factor to consider is the number of legs in the sling, as this determines how the load is connected to the lifting device.
Synthetic slings are essential tools for lifting heavy loads in industrial operations. They offer flexibility, are lightweight, and are easy to handle. However, regular inspection, proper care, and correct usage are vital to maintain safe operations. This article provides essential guidelines to make sure the longevity of your synthetic slings and, most importantly, the safety of your lifting operations.
Chain slings, valued for their strength and load-handling capabilities, play a key role in heavy-duty lifting operations. However, even the strongest chain sling can pose risks if not adequately secured. Engineers, riggers, and lifting professionals must understand how to secure these slings correctly for safe and smooth operations.
Selecting the correct synthetic sling is a critical decision in lifting operations. With materials like polyester, nylon, and HMPE advancements, synthetic slings have become a preferred choice for industries requiring lightweight, flexible, and non-damaging lifting solutions. This guide will explain the key factors in selecting the most suitable synthetic sling for your tasks.